Sommaire RET 12

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 La doctrine des états de cause dans la pratique déclamatoire de Choricios de Gaza  – p. 1-38.

Abstract: This paper surveys Choricius’ of Gaza declamations with generic characters. It focuses on their structural features examined in light of Hermogenes’ stasis theory.


 In tunica Iouis : Sidoine Apollinaire et les antiquités romaines  – p. 39-50.

Abstract: In the panegyrics in honor of Avitus, Majorian, and Anthemius (carm. 7, 5, and 2), Sidonius Apollinaris gives detailed accounts of the consular robe the three emperors donned on different official occasions, proving a strong acquaintance with the ceremonies and the rituals of power involved in the imperial court protocol of his time. Such a familiarity has enabled him to retrace even the remotest history of this topic, as can be inferred from his reworking of a passage from Juvenal, which provides us with a most vivid and thorough description of the Roman triumphator’s garments and the celebration of his victory, as occurring in the Republican and early Imperial Age. By doing so, in a very original way, Sidonius shows that the military cloak the late antique consuls used to wear to make known their social status, the trabea or palmata, had indeed a very revered ancestor, having stemmed from the tunica palmata, the palm decked-robe in which, since the oldest times, victorious generals were shrouded on the very day their triumph was solemnized by their fellow citizens.


 Heliodorus’ Æthiopika et John Xiphilinos’ Hagiographics Works on St Eugenios of Trebizond – p. 51-67.

Abstract: John Xiphilinos (ca. 1010/75), a native of Trebizond, celebrated the patron saint of his country, Saint Eugenios, by producing a literary reworking (metaphrasis) of the saint’s Passio (BHG 609z), a collection of ten miracles (BHG 610) and two canons. This article discusses the hitherto undocumented appropriations from Heliodorus’ Aethiopika, showcasing how the hagiographer exploited these sources for ekphrastic vignettes, ēthopoietic passages, and gnomic wisdom. In addition, the paper suggests that these findings situate Xiphilinos’ hagiographic works within a Constantinopolitan cultural milieu in contrast to the previously assumed Trebizondine origin.



 Introduction – p. 75-78.


 Perspectives d’une prosopographie chrétienne du Pont – p. 79-92

Abstract: The Christian prosopography of the diocese of Pontus will represent a systematic study of all clerics, monks and ascetics based in Northern and Eastern Asia Minor in Late Antiquity. It will span fourth centuries and half, i.e. from the Council of Ancyra in 314 to Heraclius’s demise in 641. The region was organized into eleven provinces and counted about 80 bishoprics. This low episcopal density explains why the Pontic volume of Christian prosopography will include only 900 individuals. However, half of the people listed are bishops since they were frequently mentioned by Christian sources, especially the proceedings of Church councils. Lower ranks of the clergy are evidenced by inscriptions and the Cappadocian Fathers’ writings. On the other hand, the monastic milieu is poorly documented, with the exception of some sixty abbots and monks who lived in the suburbs of Chalcedon (Bithynia) at the time of the council held at Constantinople in 536.


Evodius d’Uzalis, témoin discret des mutations culturelles et religieuses en Afrique romaine tardive – p. 93-142

Abstract: Evodius, bishop of Uzalis in the Roman province of Africa Proconsularis, was a slightly younger contemporary of Augustine of Hippo. Dynamic since his episcopal election, he remained operative for at least two decades, very much a part of Augustine’s team of allies and colleagues. He was one of the first North African bishops to receive and venerate the relics of Saint Stephen in the 420s and active on the Augustinian side in the controversies over grace and free will that followed Augustine’s polemics with the Pelagians. Author of the Aduersus Manichaeos, an anti-Manichaeans treaty written a few years before the Vandal conquest of Roman Africa, he remained throughout his entire life a faithful defender of his Catholic Church against those he described as infidels and heretics. Unlike the bishop of Hippo whose life and writings have been well known since the Early Middle Ages, Evodius’s career and theological production remained unknown until recently. This paper therefore attempts to shed light on the life and the work of this relatively little-known figure of the Late Roman North Africa.


How strong was the Danubian and Balkan support for Eusebius of Nicomedia? A case study within a christian prosopography project of central and eastern Europe – p. 143-158

Abstract: Relying on the prosopographical work package of the DANUBIUS Project of the University of Lille and HALMA-UMR 8164 research centre (https://, this paper sheds light on Eusebius of Nicomedia’s group of followers in the Balkans and along the Danube. His cooperation with the bishops of this region is first attested in the year 335, when a synod was held in Tyre to condemn Athanasius of Alexandria. A commission of six bishops was then created to investigate the accusations against the Alexandrian and no less than three of its members came from the Balkan-Danubian area: Theodore of Heraclea, Valens of Mursa, and Ursacius of Singidunum. A fourth bishop of the same area is also mentioned in the sources in connection with the synod: Alexander of Thessalonica. While the relationship of the latter to Eusebius and his circle of supporters is not entirely clear at that council, the first three bishops were, without any doubt, among his very close associates. Taking into account previous work on the Western Arians, like Michel Meslin’s book, but above all returning to the sources, in a pure prosopographical approach, this paper addresses the following questions: 1. Did Eusebius of Nicomedia have any other supporters among the bishops of the region under consideration? 2. What events did Eusebius’ collaborators among the bishops of the region participate in and what was their role? 3. Apart from Eusebius, which bishops did they cooperate with? 4. What was the purpose of their cooperation?


Un Companion to Roman prosopography : un défi spécifique pour l’histoire de l’Antiquité tardive ? – p. 159-168

Abstract : The Companion to Roman Prosopography, to be published by Brill, covers the entire Roman period. This book studies the history of prosopography, its methods and the many types of sources used by it. Late Antiquity is considered the current period from 284 to 640 and gives rise to syntheses on epistolary collections, the contrast between clerics and laity, conversion to Christianity and relations between Romans and Barbarians. Despite the permanence of many ancient traditions, the changes ushered in by the 4th century profoundly affect the description of people and the appreciation of their activities and beliefs.


Les élites politiques de l’Empire romain d’Orient aux Ve et VIe siècles – p. 169-182

Abstract : The prosopographic method is used in two recent works on the political elites of the Eastern Roman Empire in the 5th and 6th centuries. Ch. Begass envisions a social history between 457 and 518 and V. Puech deals with political history between 450 and 610. The first draws up a complete catalogue of the illustres, while the second re-examines the careers of the senators known by other data than their simple function: both propose corrections to the PLRE. Ch. Begass studies the social and cultural factors of illustres’ careers: despite the weight of family, education and fortune, emperors often renewed the senatorial elite. V. Puech considers the court elites known for their political relations with the emperors, but also for their family ties, geographical origins and religious orientations: he thus tries to explain the breaks and continuities between the imperial reigns.