Sommaire RET 3

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La réception d’Origène à la Renaissance : pour une typologie (version augmentée de textes à l’appui) – p. 1-54.

Abstract: Origen’s work was valued as early as the Latin Middle Ages, particularly his exegetical commentaries, which came to public knowledge thanks to Hieronymus or Rufinus. His influence further increased in the age of Humanism and the Reformation(s), with the rediscovery of the original text, as authors wrote either to combat Origen’s thinking and methods, or used them as means of liberation from older models. The aim of this paper is not so much to attempt a historical analysis of the reception of Origen’s work in the Renaissance period, as to offer a typology of the ways in which he was perceived—as an exegete, a theologian or a homilist, as a model of piety and a confessor, as a heretic or, on the contrary, as a “devotee of the Scriptures” and “of Jesus”, a sacred philologist, or a polemicist. This brief overview will demonstrate that perceptions of the Alexandrian varied considerably from one milieu to another, as thinkers of the Reformation were usually rather unfavorable to his exegesis, while Roman Catholic theologians displayed hostility towards his speculations, save for a few noteworthy exceptions.


Réflexions sur L’épître de Jacques dans sa tradition d’exégèse – p. 55-68.

Abstract: The collective book entitled L’épître de Jacques dans sa tradition d’exégèse (Matthieu Arnold, Gilbert Dahan et Annie Noblesse-Rocher edd., Paris, Cerf, 2012) draws in five stages an historic of the reception that has been reserved to the Epistle of James throughout the exegetical tradition, starting from the present situation, then performing a flashback to the patristic sources and exploring chronologically the medieval comments, the Protestant Reformers’ texts and the Catholic commentators’ ones of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. This writing of the New Testament, later recognized and yet relatively unknown has always raised some difficulty to be interpreted and, at the time of Luther, a great deal of controversy, particularly around the pericope 2, 14-26, on the question of faith and works, expressed in terms apparently opposed to the Pauline doctrine of justification by grace. It is instructive to observe the solutions developed over the centuries in order to appreciate the consistency and the reality of the problem.


Sur l’identité de Timothée, commanditaire de la fresque de Gaza  p. 69-86.

Abstract: Timotheus quoted by Procopius in the Descriptio imaginis (§ 42) as in the Epithalamium Meletis et Antoninae (§ 13) is the same one person. This munificent local notable, which was certainly an honorary consul, occupied very probably the praetorship as well as the imperial cult priesthood too. An identification is also supposed with Timotheus of Gaza, author of the treatise On the Animals and the ‘tragedy’ (a poetic invective) on the chrysargyron. As regards the identity of his brother John, a further identification is proposed with the poet John of Gaza.


Una nuova edizione della Mosella di Ausonio – p. 87-101.

Abstract: A careful examination of the new edition of Ausonius’ Mosella, just published by Joachim Gruber, provides an opportunity to carry out some reflections on the text and style of the poem, as well as on its literary genre, its relationships with models and its overall meaning.


Il filosofo e il potere : l’Agamennone di Dione di Prusa p. 103-140.

Abstract: The aim of this article is to provide a contextualised study, as well as a commentary of Dio of Prusa’s Discourse LVI, “Agamemnon” or “On Kingship”. This text enables us not only to appreciate Dio’s recovery and free interpretation of several Homeric passages, but also to explore the concept of monarchy as it was conceived by this author at a certain point in his life. On the basis of this conception of monarchy, as presented in Discourse LVI, a recently contested dating of the work shall be reintroduced. First of all, an analysis of the figures of Agamemnon and Nestor, as they are represented in this text, shall be provided, and secondly the differences between Dio’s version and the Homeric text shall be illustrated. The article is followed by the first Italian translation of Dio’s speech.


Le renouvellement métrique dans la production élégiaque latine chrétienne (IVe s.-moitié Ve s.) p. 141-155.

Abstract: In this article we examine the metric renewal in the Christian elegiac poetry in the late fourth century to the mid-fifth century. From this analysis emerges a tendency anti-classicist, not involved in other contemporary poets, which pushes the elegiac Christians to go beyond the model of Catullus and Propertius’s  Monobiblos. In terms of form, the various types of texts converge substantially, in different ways, to the character sententious of the epigram.


L’utilisation des citations poétiques profanes dans les Lettres de saint Jérôme p. 157-170.

Abstract: In his various works Jerome makes a large use of secular poetic quotations. Many scholars have already searched new ones or observed those who are recurring. Lots of studies concerning classical quotations by Jerome are connected too to the vow of the famous dream of the Letter 22, 30. The present paper aims at showing how Jerome makes use of such quotations in his Letters and what a rhetorical or dialectical place these take in his writing. The Letter 60, to Heliodore with his eight secular poetic quotations gives a good example on the subject. This is the reason why it allows suggesting a classification of various uses of these quotations by Jerome in his Letters. This classification may be used, we hope so, for all kind of secular quotations by Fathers of the Church.


Modello ambrosiano e intertesti classici nel poema dell’Heptateuchos (Iud. 665-667, 683-684 e 695) – p. 171-192.

Abstract: In the paraphrase of the Old Testament episode of Samson and Dalilah, narrated in Judges 16: 4, 21, the anonymous author of the Heptateuchos (known by the name of Cyprianus Gallus) assumes as a model two works of Ambrose related to the same topic (the second prologue of De Spiritu sancto and the epistle 9: 62), enriching the poetic dictio with classical texts, as evidenced by the in-depth analysis of lines 665-67, 683-84 and 695 of the poem. This analysis confirms the data so far partially acquired by critics about the fruition by the Latin poet of patristic sources beside scriptural hypotext.


Exégèse de Jésus et exégèse d’Origène : l’interprétation de la parabole de l’ivraie (ComMt 10, 2-3) – p. 193-209.

Abstract: In Origen’s Commentary on Matthew (ComMt), Jesus has a key-role as model of exegete, especially as far as the interpretation of parables is concerned. This paper offers an analysis of ComMt 10, 2-3, a passage in which Origen studies the exegesis of the parable of the tares given by Jesus in Mt 13, 37-43: unlike other exegetes, Origen chooses to give an interpretation even of the interpretation itself. We will study the way he uses Jesus’ exegesis in order to justify and organize his own. More precisely, it will appear that it is the hidden meaning he finds in Christ’s words that deeply influences the development of his interpretation.


L’historien Eusèbe de Nantes (?) : nouvelles perspectives p. 211-242.

Abstract: The aim of this paper is to provide a report of the tradition and the studies on the historian Eusebius (FGrHist 101), who is the author of a history in ionic dialect of which only two fragments – passed on to us by an Athonite manuscript – have survived. The first of these fragments is about an attack of the Scythians on Thessaloniki ; the second is about an unidentified military episode of the history of the Macedonians and a German attack on Tours. We also intend to suggest, for the first time, the possibility of identifying this author through two intellectuals who lived in Gaul in Late antiquity : Sidonius Apollinaris’ teacher and a bishop from Nantes (V century AD).


L’onomastique, un élément distinctif d’identification des chefs et officiers d’origine germanique de la militia armata de Constantin à Anastase (IIIe-début du VIe siècle)  p. 243-257.

Abstract: The examination of the onomastic practices of the Germanic officers of origin stemming from the Romanized military environment allows us to highlight some facts : these families follow partially the Roman onomastic uses even if they latinize little their name. The onomastic sequences of these characters reflect the evolution of the Roman onomastics of the Late Antiquity where the praenomen and the gentilice fade for the benefit of the diacritic name, system which substitutes itself in sorted out tria nomina. For a high-ranking officer but of barbaric origin, adopt the element of the quiritaire onomastics, the watch, the will to make his the values of the Romanization, the will to become integrated into a society among which techniques and values were considered superior. Some certainly Latinized their names, what shows their will to become integrated into the Roman world, and probably favored the progressive merger of servicemen’s families of Germanic origin the most eminent with the senatorial aristocracy of the Late Antiquity. But we do not however notice a complete substitution of the names of Latin origin in the Germanic anthroponyms in the proportions of the one who followed the conquest of the Gaul for example. In IVth, Vth and VIth century AD, the Germanic anthroponomy takes him at the officer’s of Germanic origin, associated very often with the gentilice Flavius and establishes well a distinctive element of identification of a barbaric origin. The onomastics of the leaders and the officers of Germanic origin obeys in reality, largely the Germanic structure of the languages and expresses by means of the anthroponomy in particular one of the main social characteristics, its warlike character, the character looked for to serve in the Late Roman army.



Vingt années d’études sur Claudien (1993-2013) – p. 259-297.


La floraison des études nonniennes en Europe (1976-2013) – p. 299-321.