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1. ALDO CORCELLATre nuovi testi di Procopio di Gaza : una dialexis inedita e due monodie già attribuite a Coricio – p. 1-14. Abstract: The ms. Laur. plut. 60,6 contains, inter alia, three anonymous texts. The first two texts are monodies and have already been edited by A. Sideras, who ascribed them to Choricius of Gaza. A sentence from the first monody is, however, attributed to Procopius of Gaza in the Florilegium Marcianum, where also a passage from the second monody is anonymously reported. Thus the two monodies are to be ascribed to Procopius (as also some imitations by Philagathus of Cerami confirm). As for the third text, which is first published here, it is a dialexis for a marriage, probably the prolalia of an epithalamium, containing quotations from Hesiod and Xenophon. On the basis of its style, also the third text can be confidently ascribed to Procopius. 2. EUGENIO AMATOUn discorso inedito di Procopio di Gaza : In Meletis et Antoninae nuptias – p. 15-69. Abstract: The article offers the editio princeps with an Italian translation of the Procopius of Gaza’s “Epithalamium for Meles and Antonina” from the ms. Athon. Mon. Dion. 347 (3881 Lambros), that first Spyridon Lambros had wrongly attributed to Aelius Aristides and very recently Constantin Raïos has considered to be of obscure paternity. This is a very important text (a gamelios logos rather than kateunastikos), which allows us not only to appreciate a new aspect of the Procopius’s rhetorical art, but also to explain some debated points as regards the occasion and the place of the epithalamic epideixis. Remarkable is also its contribution for our knowledge of the Greek nuptial rite, as well as for the Palestinian late antique prosopography and epigraphical vocabulary. A better understanding of a passage in the Damascius’s “Commentary on Plato’s Parmenides” is also enabled by this new text, in which it is possible to locate among other things an imitation of the Achilles Tatius’s novel and some anonymous poetic quotations or references. Really interesting and original is furthermore the description, in the proem, of the primordial world, most likely a paraphrase of the Empedoclean cosmogony. 3. GIANLUCA VENTRELLAPoesia pagana e simboli cristiani nella Gaza tardo-antica : la ‘conversione’ del mito di Afrodite e della rosa in Giorgio Grammatico – p. 71-84. Abstract: In George the Grammarian’s ethopoiia nr. 2 Ciccolella, the image of Athena abandoning the Danaans in order to come to the aid of the Phrygians can be considered as the allegory of the Hellenic philosophy wich convert itself to new faith of the Romans and plead their own cause against the last pagans. The recourse to Christologic metaphors and the open allusions to Marian cult seem to support the allegorical interpretation of the text. 4. CHIARA TELESCASull’ordine e la composizione del corpus di Coricio di Gaza – p. 85-109. Abstract: The present paper aims at examining some aspects concerning the organization of Choricius of Gazas’s corpus as preserved in its main manuscript (Madrid 4641). We will show that the structure of this corpus is in accordance with a specific editorial plan, whose main features are the concatenation of λόγοι and διαλέξεις and the widespread presence of brief editorial notes. These features point to the antiquity of the structure of the corpus. 5. ETIENNE WOLFFLa préface du livre I des Mitologiae de Fulgence et Martianus Capella – p. 111-118. Abstract: After studying four problematic passages in the prologue of Book I of Mitologiae, we highlight the influence of Capella Martianus on Fulgence and attempt to explain the interest of Fulgence for the De nuptiis Philologiae and Mercurii. 6. GIUSEPPE PIPITONETra Optaziano Porfirio e Venanzio Fortunato : nota intorno alla lettera a Siagrio – p. 119-127. Abstract: The article analyses the letter to Syagrius by Venantius Fortunatus, which finds out many similarities with one of the three groups in which we can divide the scholia to Optatianus Porfyrius. I would confirm an emendation in correspondence of a locus corruptus, about which in the past other scholars have already taken a position. 7. CARLO M. LUCARINISul testo del nuovo Procopio di Gaza – p. 129-136. Abstract: Some critical annotations to the new texts of Procopius of Gaza discovered and edited by E. Amato and A. Corcella. 8. PIERRE MORIZOTEncore Masties. À propos d’un article d’Yves Modéran dans l’Encyclopédie Berbère – p. 137-144. Abstract: An inscription of the 6th century, discovered in the Aures mountains (Algeria) in 1941, was since this time the theme of many studies and important controversies. The main character is a dux named Masties who protests his faithfulness towards Romans and Vandals. In its first publication in 1944, Jérôme Carcopino gave utterance to the idea that Masties was the last representative of the Roman Empire in Africa after the fall of the Western Empire. His opinion was widely followed by many scholars and lately, with some reservations, by Yves Modéran. More recently, Pierre Morizot expressed critics about this reading in ZPE (2002). Since then, in a last article published in the Encyclopédie berbère, the late Yves Modéran came back to the idea that Masties bore the title of imperator and probably died at the beginning of the 6th century. This hypothesis is criticized today by Pierre Morizot on many aspects. On the historical point of view, first, in the beginning of the 6th century, no more roman power still existed in Eastern north Africa, to whom Masties could protest of his faithfulness; secondly, the Vandals, present at this time, weren’t at any moment mentioned in this inscription ; thirdly, after the fall of the Western Empire, no barbarian sovereign dared to bear the title of imperator. On the epigraphic point of view, the reading of the word imp(e)r(ator) is not the only one possibility, and the author suggests to read lim(iti) pr(aepositus). Finally, noting that Masties seems to consider Romans and Moors as ethnically different from him, Pierre Morizot asks himself if he was not a man of the Zab (the land of Zabé or first Mauretania, according to Procopius of Caesarea). 9. EUGENIO AMATO – ALDO CORCELLA – GIANLUCA VENTRELLAOsservazioni sul testo di Procopio di Gaza – p. 145-177. Abstract: Exegetical and critical notes on the Procopius of Gaza’s works in reply to two articles by C. M. Lucarini. The thorough linguistic and stylistic analysis of the Procopian writings proves that the transmitted text does not require any emendation. 10. PIERRE-LOUIS MALOSSELes Éthiopiques d’Héliodore : une œuvre de l’Antiquité tardive – p. 179-199. Abstract: This paper presents four new clues for Aithiopika’s dating in Fourth Century A.D.: the special meaning of kalws poiwn phrase, the presence of a cataphract ekphrasis, the distanced using of the progymnasmata and the fact that Ethiopia’s conversion to Christianity happened in this time. |